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The Senate Cannot Fix The Economy

The Senate Cannot Fix The Economy

But Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) thinks it can. Living in Iowa, we occasionally receive a nice email from the Senator letting us know how he is scr- uh, helping us with his work. Here’s his latest missive, arriving just this afternoon… Dear Friends, Many...

Mr. Smith Attends a Convention

I had the privilege of participating as a delegate to my first Republican Polk County (Iowa) convention. It was a great experience. We ended up with significantly more people than expected (usually 50% of the elected delegates show up, we had about 70%+) which had a...

Love Your Country, Your Flag

Evidently, only half of the Obama family is actually proud of their country. Or something. This was probably last summer here in Iowa somewhere (since it appears to be a Harkin event). Do we really want someone as president that doesn’t already naturally show...

Can’t Iowa Republicans Do Better?

I am amazed that the Republican Party in Iowa is intent on rolling over so easily this year. In a story in today’s Des Moines Register, we find out that party leaders and potential candidates have essentially decided it’s not worth the effort to put up a...

Without Fred, What’s Next?

I’ve already read a number of strong and thought provoking comments around various blogs as people have anticipated (prior to yesterday’s announcement) and reacted to Fred’s departure from the race. There is significant support for Fred’s...
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