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Obama Exemplifies Dhimmitude (Submission) During G20 World Tour

Obama Exemplifies Dhimmitude (Submission) During G20 World Tour

During Obama's G20 World Tour (did you buy the t-shirt?) this week, we were witness to several disturbing actions and statements on the part of the President. Two that come to mind are his bowing lowly before the King of Saudi Arabia (see the photo - ever see a US President do that?), and his speech before the Turkish parliament on Islam and United States. Both are examples of dhimmitude. What's that, you ask? Basically, it is a form of submission. The word "dhimmitude" comes from "dhimmi", an Arabic word meaning "protected". Dhimmi was the name applied by the Arab-Muslim conquerors to indigenous non-Muslim populations who surrendered by a treaty (dhimma) to Muslim domination. It is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Populations under conquering Islamic rule were basically given three choices: submit to Islam, die, or becoming a Dhimmi. To be a Dhimmi, one was [...]

Coercing Our Youth To Be Minions Of The Government

Can Barack be for real?  Can he really be pushing for compulsory service? John Goldberg at the LA Times, shares: In his speech on national service Wednesday at the University of Colorado, Obama promised that as president he would “set a goal for all American...

The Real Democrat party

I thought this was timely, and am sharing the complete text of what Bit posted at his site.   It amazes me how easily we forget these things. Bit says: This was sent to me via mail this monring, and I’ve echoed out in total: The Democrats: Democrats fought to...

Leonard Pitts Rings The Bell

Day by day, it amazes me more and more that people can say the most unintelligent things and cause the air to be putrid with their rancor. And other days that I get a real breath of fresh air. Today I was treated to a real burst of oxygen in the form of Leonard...
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