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Sarah Palin: “Don’t Blink”

Sarah Palin had her first big interview (6 parts) this week since being selected as John McCain’s running mate.  Paul F. Villareal made the video’s available at YouTube. Of course, ABC played it for as much air time as they could… including repeating...

Just Like Everyone Else

I feel like I just got punched in the stomach. Michael Gerson at Real Clear Politics provides an analysis of a piece of the political news of the day that may just break your heart.  At the center of the excitement and controversy over Sarah Palin being thrust into...

To Clarify A Point

My friends at Century Of The Common Iowan have pointed out that I made a statement that wasn’t very clear.  Sometimes I assume people know what I’m talking about, and this is a case where that was a really bad assumption. In talking about the Briston Palin...
Palin’s Biography

Palin’s Biography

I found out from today about the biography of Sarah Palin, titled “Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska’s Political Establishment Upside Down”, by Kaylene Johnson. I ordered mine today. If you’re interested in knowing more about...

McCain’s Acceptance Speech

A lot of you have seen the speech, some have not.  Overall, high marks for contents.  Very high.  I think he brought out the right issues, positions, and comparisons with Obama.  He’s working out the differences, which he needs to continue to do.  Probably the...
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