by Art Smith
One of our local stations promotes high school student videos… here’s one of the waters receding up in Iowa Falls. Thanks to KCCI-TV.
by Art Smith
This afternoon, my post about Iowa considering raising the Gas Tax to help pay for flood recovery was clicked into by someone on the “” network… that is, someone probably working in some congressperson’s office took a look at the...
by Art Smith
Legislative Leaders in Iowa are continuing to talk about a special session of the General Assembly, which makes sense. The Governor is doing a good job of expressing the need to prioritize working on the current relief effort AND establishing a solid assessment of the...
by Art Smith
*** This Post will remain as a sticky until midday Saturday June 21. *** We decided to put a fresh post up. The prior running post should be just below. Useful flood-related links can be found in the sidebar. The Floods Of 2008 – Other Postings > High School...
by Art Smith
(3:30 PM) Mayor Cownie of Des Moines has just announced that based on assessments just completed a short while ago, at 6:00 PM today, they plan to discontinue the curfew and general evacuations in the flood plain, with the exception of the Birdland area. They will...
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