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Republicans Lead In Polls, ObamaCare Progresses, And Other Dangerous Things

Republicans Lead In Polls, ObamaCare Progresses, And Other Dangerous Things

Running with scissors, bungy-jumping, lion-training don't hold a candle to these two items...

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Republicans appear to be doing well, very well, scary well. So what's to be done about it? Republicans need to work harder, get more engaged, get more yard signs up, knock on more doors! Why, you may ask, would I think that? Because early poll successes:
  1. Are deceiving. In Politics, scientific polling lacks integrity because there are so many factors and inconsistencies, including the fact that they reflect a point in time, which is not election day
  2. Are open to interpretation. The complexities and meaning behind poll answers can be interpreted multiple ways... sometimes the answers mean something different than what we think.
  3. Can lead to complacency. Accepting that your candidate is going to win hands down can lead to voter apathy and before you know it, everyone that said they were going to vote decides to stay home election day or just forgets to vote.
It's great to feel good about [...]

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