by Linda Morgan
Arthur Brooks, at The Wall Street Journal suggests that there’s a bit of a culture war going on about the future of capitalism. The headline suggests that “The Real Culture War Is Over Capitalism “
There is a major cultural schism developing in America. But it’s not over abortion, same-sex marriage or home schooling, as important as these issues are. The new divide centers on free enterprise — the principle at the core of American culture.
I dare suggest Brooks in this quote, has this exactly backward. He’s pointing at a symptom and labeling at the root cause. Not that I blame him, really. It’s been so long since we’ve dealt with things on the level of principle that even the more learned among us get it garbled in translation.
I agree with Arthur that this is a war that is cultural in its nature. However, the war over capitalism, as he calls it, is part of the war on culture because capitalism in its truest sense can only exist in a free society, which is a culturally generated condition. It is the product of a particular variety of culture that… (at least until recently)… we here in these United States have been blessed with. What I am suggesting is that the principle at the core of the American culture is in fact freedom, of which capitalism is a product.
While it is true that there are a few places in the communist world, China for example, where capitalism raises its head in some form, it is diluted in the extreme. It is in fact, capitalism in name only. Alas in the view of many, a goodly number of which were out on the front lines of the tea party protests last month, that kind of weak as dishwater capitalism, capitalism in name only, is the [...]
by Art Smith
I’m hoping that the fact you have come to this web site means that you care more about government than the average person. If you care about government, how we do government, and who is doing the work of government on our behalf, then this article is for you....
by Art Smith
Wow! I totally missed the Lieberman confrontation with YouTube (owned by Google) until it was mentioned in an email exchange I had today. From CNN: In a Monday [May 19, 2008] letter to Eric Schmidt, chief executive officer of Google, Lieberman asked that YouTube...
by Art Smith
Speaking of disasters, California is 49th from the last state to allow homosexuals to marry. Lots of back and forth on this… listened to some interesting discussion on the radio this afternoon (Steve Deace on WHO-AM) regarding who’s at fault… the...
by Art Smith
I was pleasantly surprised this morning to hear (on the New York Times Audio Digest) this story about the Pope’s speech to the US Bishops on Wednesday. It was an excellent assessment of the lives we tend to live in America where we’ve gotten comfortable...