by Art Smith
I see where Hillary has picked up an endorsement from Jack Nicholson. Obama, for his part, has picked up Robert De Niro’s support. “Mrs. Clinton has been involved in issues, everything from health care, which we know and prison reform and helping the...
by Art Smith
Where ever you may be in the United States, if you are in a state where a Primary or Caucus is occurring, go and vote, talk, participate. Be part of the process, part of the solution, part of making America Great! We can only be strong if we all work together and...
by Art Smith
I promised I would try and take a position on the remaining candidates before things are settled. I’m probably too late, but tomorrow still has possibilities for Romney. The party is definitely looking like it’s leaning to port, and it’s what we have...
by Art Smith
I’ve read and heard a number of conservatives (and I myself have struggled with this) who appear to be giving up on this year’s elections already. I’m disappointed. Ann Coulter certainly exuded an extreme version of the conservative angst (although...
by Art Smith
We are ready for Contest #4. You know the drill… and this week, the winner gets a $10 gift certificate to!