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Obama Exemplifies Dhimmitude (Submission) During G20 World Tour

Obama Exemplifies Dhimmitude (Submission) During G20 World Tour

During Obama's G20 World Tour (did you buy the t-shirt?) this week, we were witness to several disturbing actions and statements on the part of the President. Two that come to mind are his bowing lowly before the King of Saudi Arabia (see the photo - ever see a US President do that?), and his speech before the Turkish parliament on Islam and United States. Both are examples of dhimmitude. What's that, you ask? Basically, it is a form of submission. The word "dhimmitude" comes from "dhimmi", an Arabic word meaning "protected". Dhimmi was the name applied by the Arab-Muslim conquerors to indigenous non-Muslim populations who surrendered by a treaty (dhimma) to Muslim domination. It is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Populations under conquering Islamic rule were basically given three choices: submit to Islam, die, or becoming a Dhimmi. To be a Dhimmi, one was [...]
Obama Exemplifies Dhimmitude (Submission) During G20 World Tour

Big Brother is Watching..New Bill to Give Obama Control over Internet

Just when you thought it wouldn't get worse, it does. A pair of bills (Sen 773 & 778) have been introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller (W-WV) that would be a part what's being called the "Cybersecurity Act of 2009". These bills would grant the White House sweeping new powers to access private data online, regulate the cybersecurity industry, and shut down portions of internet traffic if it deems there is an "emergency". A new office called the Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor would be created and would report directly to the President. Hmmm....wonder how I apply for that position. Do I have to pay taxes to be considered? For your enjoyment, here is a working draft of the bill: This new Act raises privacy concerns on many fronts, not the least of which is it grants the White House the authority to disconnect "critical infrastructure" networks from the internet. These would include banking, utilities, health/medical, etc. Sounds all well and good right? If there were a massive cyberwarfare attack on our infrastructure, this is just another way to protect critical elements. However, we know that this power can [...]

When The Majority Gets Desperate

You have never seen a majority party more desperate to take advantage of its position of power, knowing that their days are probably numbered. Democrats in your state have probably already tried:
  • Giving in to Unions with Prevailing Wage and Fair Share
  • Giving in to Populist attempts to circumvent the Constitution
  • Giving in to attempts to minimize the value of the family by elevating gay unions as marriage
  • Giving in to solutions lacking real problems, such as Worker's Compensation Physician's Choice
  • Giving in to their lust for spending, a long-term need for greed that feeds a push to raise taxes... yes, your state government is probably trying right now to raise your taxes!
If you don't believe all this, just look to Iowa. Smack dab in the middle of the country, normally expected to be a follower, Iowa politicians (that is, the Democratic majority party in the Iowa General Assembly) have been trying their darnedest to do all of these things. Iowans are watching this year. Very closely. Republicans are taking a strong stand on these and other issues, and some of the more conservative Democrats are also helping stem the tide despite the strong-arming of party leaders. Keeping these [...]
Obama Exemplifies Dhimmitude (Submission) During G20 World Tour

A Run On… Ammo?

A friend of mine at work shared an interesting story.  A few weeks back we had discussed gun ownership.  I purchased a handgun about a year ago, and he was thinking about buying one.  I told him it went pretty smoothly for me… I went to the County...
Obama Exemplifies Dhimmitude (Submission) During G20 World Tour


Somehow, I managed to stay awake for last night's Presidential press conference. Say what you will about President Obama's communication skills--and they are considerable--he is no macro economist. Which is a shame, because he has access to two of the brightest macro-economists of our generation: Ben Bernanke and Larry Summers. He should listen to them; learn from them. They have much to teach him. My reaction to watching the President last night is that he is clueless as to how the economy really works, and his recent historical perspective is revisionist. First, kudos to the media. As opposed to the first press conference, they asked him some hard, direct questions. Unfortunately, President Obama is incapable of answering these questions in a transparent, straightforward manner, but the questions were direct even if the answers weren't. Now to the revisionist Obamanomics. First, President Obama claims he inherited a $1.2 trillion budget deficit. According to the [...]
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