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Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State?

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State?

That’s what Ben Smith is reporting, yesterday morning:
Andrea Mitchell reported this evening that Obama is considering Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, something that’s been buzzed about as a possibility for a few days. I haven’t been able to confirm it, and neither Obama nor Clinton camps would comment, though NBC apparently has confirmation that she went to Chicago today. One interesting item: Clinton aides are not knocking the report down, which they might.
Since Ben wrote that, apparently, there are confirmations are coming from a number of sources, including the Washington Post:
There’s increasing chatter in [...]
The President Is Not A King

The President Is Not A King

When James Madison and friends put together the Constitution, one of the key things they endeavoured to do was ensure that the Chief Administrator (President) did not have the power of a king. After all, we had just fought our tails off for the right to not have to be subjugated by King George, and as such provide sovereignty to the people and not the President. I say this in preparation for something that Valerie Jarrett, co-chair of Obama's transition team, said on Meet The Press yesterday:
"Given the daunting challenges that we face, it is important that President-elect Obama's prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one."
DavidL at BitsBlog takes this at face value, which is not in the least unfair. He characterizes this [...]
Losing Ground On Reality

Losing Ground On Reality

I don't want to be morbid, but I'm starting to lose confidence that we can find a balanced exchange of ideas any longer. That the patently unproven and risky hypothesis that humans, are creating environmental change on a global scale, is now becoming a point of agreement by some of those arguing on the left and right about how to deal with "global warming", is alarming. In a pair of pieces presented in the Wall Street Journal today, Ian McEwan and Bjørn Lomborg present differing perspectives on how to deal with global warming. But they are not the typical side of the discussion we've had in the past. The perspectives shown here are answers to the question "What should Obama do about Global Warming?". McEwan, well known for his works of fiction, extends those skills to the front of the Weekend Journal section. He expresses[...]
Which Way Should Conservatism Go? Well, How About We Try ‘toward Conservatism’?

Which Way Should Conservatism Go? Well, How About We Try ‘toward Conservatism’?

You’re going to hear quite a bit from the left over ‘the death of conservatism’ over the next few weeks. But they’ve got it wrong. I say, what we’ve got is the death of compromised conservatism as espoused by George W Bush, his father, GHW Bush, and by more recently, John McCain. This morning, we see a post from Helen Valois at Renew America, who calls this ‘conservative conservatism’. I can quibble with the name she chooses, but not her meaning…
What is conservative conservatism? It is a commitment to playing a good defense (or rather — except for the one, brief, shining moment of Governor Palin’s acceptance speech — a pretty flawed defense) when your opponents have gone decisively on the offensive. It is that which John McCain quintessentially represents — the recalcitrant[...]
President Of The United States: Barack Obama

President Of The United States: Barack Obama

As I write this, John McCain is announcing his concession of today's election. Obama was declared the winner by most of the networks at around 11:00 PM Eastern Time. McCain's speech was kind and humble, and recognizing what is an historic event. We have not been shy in our opposition to Obama here at TCR, and hopefully have been and will continue to be faithful in this regard: Obama is the rightful victor, for whatever reason I believe is the man God will place in this leadership position, and will deserve the appropriate respect due the office and office holder of the Presidency. Assuming he does not abuse his power (a caution I would put to any who take this office). We will, however, continue to voice opposition to
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