by Art Smith
As I was perusing various conservative writers this evening, this commentary from Gracy Olmstead at The American Conservative really connected with me. Try to look past Gracy’s perspective on the presidential candidates comments and consider the overriding...
by Steven Waechter
First, some chemistry; iodine turns black when exposed to starch. So, a lighter ink which contains iodine will turn black when it comes into contact with starch, which is included in the manufacturing process of standard copy paper. When the ink is used on paper that...
by Eric Florack
First appeared on BitsBlog. – Ed.There’s an interesting trend developing in open to foreign policy, and it’s been there since the outset; sense Obama speech in Cairo Egypt, his supposed Arab reset, Arab Spring phenomenon and so on, every single...
The following is an op-ed I wrote some time ago that was edited slightly and then published by the Des Moines Register. After turning on the television, which was tuned to MTV, while babysitting my young niece and nephew recently I was reminded how unfortunately...
by Steven Waechter
I recently heard a radio commercial urging me to contact various members of Congress to voice my support for tax credits connected to the wind energy industry. On a lark, I went to the Iowa Legislature website and searched active bills for the word “wind,†and...
by Art Smith
Abortion. This word is at the same time one of the most cherished and abhorred words in American culture today. I fall on the side of those who are offended by the word and everything it represents. Whether politically, social-scientifically or personally, I see...
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