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Willie Nelson and Walking Toward Gingrich

Willie Nelson and Walking Toward Gingrich

“After carefully considering the whole situation, I stand with my back to the wall. And walking is better, than running away…and crawling ain’t no good at all” Willie Nelson—Lyrics to “Walking” (1974) While not known for his astute political analysis,...
Willie Nelson and Walking Toward Gingrich

Why I am Caucusing for Ron Paul

“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom…..And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents’...
Willie Nelson and Walking Toward Gingrich

Ethanol And Immigration

Four months ago as the Republican field began to form and potential candidates began poking around Iowa, a major issue they were forced to address was ethanol. Thankfully the conversation has since developed from a fringe stereotypical issue like ethanol to more...

Connecting the Dots

Yesterday the Labor Department released the employment statistics for October.  I prefer to refer to is as “employment” rather than “unemployment”.  While it may seem to be nothing more than semantics, it is more positive. The good news is that...
Willie Nelson and Walking Toward Gingrich

Student Loans, Debt Crisis and Bondage

In the medieval era there was a rather odd ceremony; when a member of the lower social castes found themselves in dire straights, they turned to the landowning nobility. In exchange for land to work, the noble demanded a portion of the produce, availability for...
Willie Nelson and Walking Toward Gingrich

The Stupidity of Banking Fees

About ten years ago, my savings account basically stopped paying interest. The rate of about two percent fell to something like one-tenth of one percent in 2002. Over the last ten years, people just seemed to forget the way things used to work – banks are...
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