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Political Chaos: Is It Worth It?

Political Chaos: Is It Worth It?

It has been difficult to follow the Republican Presidential Campaign this year to the depth that I would like to, partly because of my own time constraints and partly because there is just so much happening all the time.  It seems like every week there is a new...
Political Chaos: Is It Worth It?

Robert Reich Strikes Again

That Robert Reich, the esteemed Chancellors Professor of Public Policy at Cal Berkeley, who consistently represents the thinking of the Liberal Left should make comments that are beyond the boundaries of even the most basic notions of established reality is not a...
Political Chaos: Is It Worth It?

Willie Nelson and Walking Toward Gingrich

“After carefully considering the whole situation, I stand with my back to the wall. And walking is better, than running away…and crawling ain’t no good at all” Willie Nelson—Lyrics to “Walking” (1974) While not known for his astute political analysis,...
Political Chaos: Is It Worth It?

Why I am Caucusing for Ron Paul

“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom…..And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents’...
Political Chaos: Is It Worth It?

TCR’s Endorsement Policy

Possibly the most common question I hear from friends and neighbors this year is, “Who do you like for President?”.  I rarely answer this question in a direct fashion because I am not interested in persuading someone to vote a certain way based on my own...
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