by Steven Waechter
Law school applications are declining sharply according to the New York Times, which is reporting a projected 38 percent decline from 2010 application levels. When they failed to find jobs, law graduates took to the internet in droves to spread the word about their...
I break from a majority of Republicans on the current fiscal cliff negotiations and believe the rate increases that Democrats are seeking should eventually be agreed to. More specifically I would support John Boehner signing on to taking the top bracket from 35% to...
by Steven Waechter
I cast my ballot early. I didn’t vote third-party and therefore my vote isn’t being wasted. It also isn’t going to matter. Since 1990, the United States has run aggregate trade deficits above $8 trillion. This is funny, because in 1990 the M2 metric of currency...
by Art Smith
As this election draws to a close, and although many have already gone to the polls, I’d like to ponder some of the issues that matter in this election. Some matter more to the general population than others, and we will cover as many as we can between now and...