Why I am Caucusing for Ron Paul
“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom…..And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents’...Ethanol And Immigration
Four months ago as the Republican field began to form and potential candidates began poking around Iowa, a major issue they were forced to address was ethanol. Thankfully the conversation has since developed from a fringe stereotypical issue like ethanol to more...Observations on the October 18th Las Vegas/CNN Presidential Debate
The purpose of this post is to provide a high level summary and personal opinion about the Republican Presidential debate held last night, October 18th, in Las Vegas. The moderator was CNN’s Anderson Cooper. The debate included: Speaker Gingrich; Governors: Perry...Observations on the August 11th Iowa GOP/Fox News Presidential Debate
Courtesy of State Central Committee member Gopal Krishna, my wife and I had great 8th row seats for the Iowa GOP/Fox News Presidential Debate. The debate included: Speaker Gingrich; Governors: Huntsman, Pawlenty and Romney; Senator Santorum, Representatives Bachmann...Iowa’s First Night With Newt As Candidate
Monday night I got to see essentially the same man I saw a year ago at the 2010 Polk County Republican Spring Banquet. This is a guy who has spent the past 13 years of his life dedicated to working with smart people to come up with solutions to America's problems, and who comes across as thoughtful, smart (make that brilliant), and ready to work.
I say "the same", because even a year ago, Newt Gingrich already seemed like a man bent on the idea that we can fix the American healthcare system without creating a yet another new bureaucracy incapable of bending to the people's will. A year ago he was pressing substantive health care reform ideas that acknowledged the deepest problems the Federal government has with running programs like Medicare... the government is just incapable of managing the fraud and abuse that have become one of the largest tax-payer boon doggles of all time.
I say "the same", because a year ago Newt came to Des Moines with not only an air of confidence in himself that comes from decades of experience in the public eye, but a sense of purpose in his own life beyond giving a speech to a room full of Republican activists. He seemed a man already on a mission, perhaps already trying to find ways to do the job of president without the title. Some would call him a "statesman".
But let's say he was also a different man.
On Monday, the former House Speaker seemed [...]