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College Is A Bad Investment

College Is A Bad Investment

To the baby boom generation, a college degree was almost a mystical amulet, and just possessing it meant that your life would be improved in mystical ways. Thus, a college degree was something to be quested for, like a hero from Greek or Norse mythology....
College Is A Bad Investment

There Was No Recovery

“Double Dip.” By now you have probably seen this term somewhere. It appears that the economic recovery is stalling in what is supposedly its second year, and now the economy is poised for the dreaded “Double Dip.” It is a lie. There was no recovery in the...
College Is A Bad Investment

Default is Inevitable, Part II

Talking points are truly amazing things. They capture the essence of the obsessions of political operatives. The political news has recently been dominated by the talking points surrounding the debt ceiling debate, with the main terms of choice being the assorted...
College Is A Bad Investment

Environmentalism: A Cult with a Ponzi Scheme

A long time ago, somebody figured out that people were afraid of nature. With this realization, our subject set out to carve a statue of a woman with a horned head dress, and declared the idol to be Ninhursag, the goddess of the earth. Our carver then set about...
On National Debt, Default is Inevitable

On National Debt, Default is Inevitable

Much attention has been focused on the size of the national debt as a whole; roughly $14.4 trillion. That number is astonishing, but the sheer size of the debt actually hides the true horror which is in store for the economy and future generations. The debt has many...
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