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10 years ago, I would never have imagined myself saying the following:

  1. “Yes, I think I could make a mint renting clothes to business travelers in major cities so they don’t have to pay for checked luggage.”
  2. “I’d rather run the old operating system.  It works better.”
  3. “Hillary Clinton will NOT get the Democrats’ nomination for President.”
  4. “The California Supreme Court struck down an anti-gay marriage law.” (I would have never imagined Californians having such a law)
  5. “I love watching the NY Mets live on Internet TV.”
  6. “Remember how quietly Jan 1, 2000 came and went?”
  7. “John McCain WILL get the Republican nomination for President.”
  8. “It wish gasoline was $3.00 a gallon.”
  9. “Have you heard Paul Anka’s new Big-band Swing album?”  (Rock Swings)
  10. “Blogging is easy… I’ve got plenty to write about.  And if I run out, I can always post a Top Ten List.”

If only I had known, I would have run from the room screaming.

If you have any to add, be my guest!

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