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It seems that just when you think Mike Huckabee is seeing the light (or at least figuring out how to pretend he has), we get this…


There’s some good comments in the midst of this interview, but there’s two real issues here:

1) Huck’s comments (actually from a speech the night before) make it sound like he thinks the Constitution needs to align with the Christian Bible. Although I don’t disagree that would be nice, it’s not a reasonable way to think about the meaning and purpose of the Constitution.

2) Huck’s comments in the interview with John Roberts just inflames the issue because he doesn’t answer the question about whether the Constitution is a secular document, and then goes on to say the the “…Constitution is a living, breathing document”.

Although it’s clear he was trying to express the fact that the Constitution was intended to be amendable, and some would say that’s okay, his thinking comes across as if the amenability is a license for the majority to force “rightness” upon the minority. If ever a document needed very careful thought before changing it’s the Constitution. The 18th Amendment (Prohibition) should be proof enough of that. Thankfully, the process helps protect us from most careless amending.

Lastly, his comments can be construed as code for Judicial Activism. Fred Thompson made a good (and kind to Huck) statement about this today. In part:

This morning I heard that one of the other candidates commented that the Constitution is a “living, breathing document.”

Frankly, I assumed this came from Senator Clinton or Senator Obama. It is identical to what Al Gore said when he was running for President in 2000, when he said he would look for judges “who understand that our Constitution is a living, breathing document, that it was intended by our founders to be interpreted in the light of the constantly evolving experience of the American people.”

Imagine my surprise when I learned that this statement actually came from my opponent, Governor Huckabee, in an interview with CNN this morning. Now I know Governor Huckabee was talking about amending the Constitution, but I don’t think he understood that he was using code words that support judicial activism.

Let’s get a real conservative up to the front of the line, one who knows what he’s talking about, respects the Constitution, and will ensure there’s no confusion about his position. That’s Fred Thompson.

Hat Tip: memeorandum. Youtube video found at Hot Air.

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