We made the move to WordPress, and with a few minor glitches, got things working. The old address (blog.conservativereader.net) points here now, as well as www.conservativereader.net and just conservativereader.net. Thanks to BitHead at BitsBlog for recommending WordPress… I love it! And thanks to my dear wife for putting up with my vacation time being focused on the conversion, and the her help with recommendations on the look and feel.
If you are using the old default rss links, they will not work any longer. I highly recommend you use the feedburner feed at http://feeds.conservativereader.net/TheConservativeReaderBlog.
This is a great start to a new year, and I hope you are enjoying what 2008 has brought so far. Get ready for the introduction of the Conservative Reader Contests starting on Sunday, January 5 (I’m not going to be able to promise a particular time, but sometime before 6:00 PM Sunday you should see the first contest). We have other features planned as well in the next few months… more on that later.