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Destiny is finished. But the battle
rages on?

Steve Deace, a local talk show host on
WHO radio, and outspoken opponent of the one cent local option sales
tax initiative, got some interesting calls on his show today (July 12). I
missed most of the show, but it sounded like quite a few calls came
in complaining about his position, the amount of time he spent making
this the focus of his program, and the impact his opinion has on the

Many of these callers had to either be truly taken in by the “Vote Yes” crowd, or stooges.  As Steve noted, there must be people out there that’re scared of the impact he is
having, and more importantly, scared that the electorate is paying
too much attention to what’s really going on. This is a wave that
I’d really like to see maintained… we can only hope and pray.

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