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Obama, the Boy who Cried “Lone Wolf”

Obama, the Boy who Cried “Lone Wolf”

First appeared on BitsBlog.  – Ed.There’s an interesting trend developing in open to foreign policy, and it’s been there since the outset;  sense Obama speech in Cairo Egypt, his supposed Arab reset, Arab Spring phenomenon and so on, every single...
Obama, the Boy who Cried “Lone Wolf”

In Support Of Liberty

where-is-their-voteToday many are wearing green to show visible support for those in Iran who are protesting the apparently stolen election. Our web site is normally white and red... we've put on green today to stand by those who treasure liberty. It is interesting to note that while many in the US are advocating an overthrow of the current clerically over-ruled government system in Iran, reports seem to indicate that Iranians as a whole are perhaps not interested in an outright change in the system, just fairness in this election. Iran's history, especially with the United States, demands care in how our leaders address the situation. More on that later. Political ambitions in the Islamic Kingdom aside, we here at TCR support Liberty whereever she is needed, and support the call for open and fair elections in Iran. To the Iranians leadship we say, make it right!
Obama, the Boy who Cried “Lone Wolf”

Phillips Rescue: Not So Fast, Leftie Spinners

So, how much credit does Barrack Obama deserve for the rescue of Captain Phillips? The efforts of Obama and his supporters to claim Obama was the reason behind this rescue, Black Five says… Not so fast.
The AP is reporting that President Obama gave the order to use military force to rescue the hostage, that is misleading.

WASHINGTON (AP)—Administration officials say President Barack Obama approved the military operation that rescued a U.S. captain held hostage by Somali pirates.

The officials say Obama ordered the Defense Department to use military resources to rescue Richard Phillips from a lifeboat off the Somali coast. He did affirm the military’s authorization to use force if the captain’s life was in danger, but they already would have had that authorization as part of their standard rules of engagement. If there are innocents about to be slaughtered the same reasoning that authorizes self defense also covers an [...]

First Presidential Debate: Exercise In Futility, Part 2

This is Part 2 of the analysis of Friday night’s Presidential Debate.  Part 1 was posted on Saturday. Iran Lehrer asked for a “reading” of Iran by the candidates.  Are they a threat?  Both candidates made it very clear that nuclear weapons in the...
First Presidential Debate: Exercise In Futility, Part 1

First Presidential Debate: Exercise In Futility, Part 1

Here’s Part 1 of my assessment of Friday night’s Presidential Debate.  Part 2 will come on Sunday. All I can say is, I was wrong.  Jim Lehrer does want to be the next Tim Russert. I will say, I did not sense any partisanship on Lehrer’s part, but he...
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