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Welcome to the new look for The Conservative Reader!
We’ve implemented a new WordPress theme to help provide a cleaner and easier to read look.
Although we’ll be tweaking the site over the next several weeks, please observe the following changes:

  • A new Featured Post box at the top of the page, as part of a tabbed box. We will have our most recent feature item in this space.
  • The tabbed box will allow us to make access to key content more easily available in the future. Look for new tabs when you visit.
  • The top headlines from several major news sites are found near the upper right part of the screen.
  • Easier search and access to Archives and Categories.
  • Other content in the far right column will be lists of recent posts, comments, and headlines from other key sites.  With Pork Invaders at the very bottom for your amusement!
  • The middle column will have other information of interest and tools.
  • And the left column will have our most recent ten posts. We’ve also shortened the length of the posts on the front page to make it easier to peruse the posts and find something to read. To read the entire article, simply click on the title or the “Read more” link at the bottom of the item.

We hope you like the new look of The Conservative Reader.  Please feel free to leave comments with this post, or email us at: our talkback mailbox.

We’d love to hear from you, and would appreciate any feedback (positive or negative) about the site!

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