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Obama lands BIG guns

Today, the Presidential campaign of Senator Barack Obama received a huge shot in the arm when Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass) and her niece Carolyn Kennedy endorsed his candidacy. In fact, Carolyn Kennedy went so far as to say that Obama stands for the same ideals as her late father who was a very popular Democrat in his time.

What does this mean, you ask? Well, it means that the one endorsement that the Clintons coveted so much is lost. It also means that Senator Obama now has a heavyweight in his corner. Here is a political heavy who will take on the counter-punching chores that every campaign needs. Obama can now sit back and watch Ted Kennedy show how his late brother did not have a vast amount of experience, political that is, but yet won the hearts of most Americans to win the Presidency in 1960.

Some pundits have put forth opinions that Ted Kennedy was put off by Bill Clinton body slamming Obama with comparisons intended to belittle his accomplishments to date.

This is what Ted and Carolyn are saying with their endorsement. IN YOUR FACE, BILL.