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Preparing For The Debates

Preparing For The Debates

Friday night, September 26, will be the first formal debate between John McCain and Barack Obama.  The event will be held at the University of Mississippi, and will be hosted by Jim Lehrer. Thankfully, Lehrer is already established enough that he won’t try to be...

Sarah Palin: “Don’t Blink”

Sarah Palin had her first big interview (6 parts) this week since being selected as John McCain’s running mate.  Paul F. Villareal made the video’s available at YouTube. Of course, ABC played it for as much air time as they could… including repeating...
Brokaw To Broker “Meet The Press”

Brokaw To Broker “Meet The Press”

Tom Brokaw, NBC News stalwart and probably the last remaining real “newsman” from a generation that has struggled to maintain a distinctive presence in the midst of cable news mayhem, will be moderating “Meet The Press” through the General...
Tim Russert – RIP

Tim Russert – RIP

In the midst of all the activity yesterday, I failed to acknowledge the passing of Tim Russert. He had a sudden heart attach at work Friday. I have watched Tim over the years, and although I sometimes through he pursued issues that were not relevant, he was a man of...

Stupid is… Easy!

It is so easy, especially when you aren’t tightly scripted, to say things that just don’t come out the way you mean them to. John McCain: When asked what will happen if he can’t convince the American public that the war in Iraq is succeeding, he said...
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