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2012 Election Issues That Matter: Life

2012 Election Issues That Matter: Life

As this election draws to a close, and although many have already gone to the polls, I’d like to ponder some of the issues that matter in this election. Some matter more to the general population than others, and we will cover as many as we can between now and...
2012 Election Issues That Matter: Life

Easter 2009

Who is Christ? The Son of God the Everlasting Father. He is fully Man and fully God! He is unique in His Being, His Glory, His Sacrifice, His Love, His Grace, His Power, His Eternal Presence! He died so that we could have eternal life! We know this is true because three days later, after He was crucified and buried, He rose from the grave and appeared to many witnesses! And we can look forward to rising from our own graves because He has promised it and shown He has the power to make it true! He is ALIVE!

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Christ not only died for us and our sins, he also [...]
2012 Election Issues That Matter: Life

Good Friday: The Day That Changed The World

  • July 4. 1776: British Colonies In America Declare Independence
  • August 12, 1861: Southern Rebels Attack Fort Sumter
  • December 7, 1941: Japan Attacks US at Pearl Harbor
  • September 11, 2001: Terrorists Fly Jets Into World Trade Center

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Listed above are some of the key events in the history of the United States that signaled the beginning of war. One could make a similar list of events related to events signaling the beginnings of economic turmoil. Others that signaled the beginnings of territorial expansion and industrial advances. None holds a candle to the day we celebrate today. Today is the day that signaled the beginning of peace between God and Man. The beginning of a greater war for our hearts. The beginning of a new level of relationship with God. Good Friday is called "good" because this is the day that Jesus Christ, God and Man in one, died on a cross to pay the price for all of our sins. Pope Benedict stated today in his Good Friday remarks that Jesus was unique in that he impacted the world not by taking the lives of others, but by allowing his own life to be taken for the sake of others. I cannot imagine the pain that Jesus experience, both physical and emotional, as [...]

Biblical Worldview of ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’

Prior to the start of the school year, a parent very wisely asked me to write an article which essentially responds to the following question - "How can a Christian effectively respond to ‘Walking with Dinosaurs: The Life Experience,' a traveling stage show which depicts dinosaurs as they lived prior to extinction?" The "Walking with Dinosaurs" production is described by the producers as a "dazzling arena spectacle of unprecedented size and quality," and it is scheduled in Des Moines for October 1-5 at the Iowa Events Center. What's the rub?! Why any controversy?! Dinosaurs are cool! Dinosaurs fascinate people, particularly schoolchildren. "There's no harm in studying dinosaurs," you might say.

What Does It Mean To Suffer?

What is Suffering? The most traumatic place I’ve yet visited on this Earth is Auschwitz-Birkenau.  I was there with some friends in 2005. I know I’ve talked about it before.  The awful things that were done to people during that war.  The humiliation.  The...
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