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I caught bits and pieces of the press conference held by President Obama last night and I heard the subsequent reviews.  My analysis suggests that our national media threw President Obama a bunch of softballs.  President Bush would have held a lot more press conferences if the questions were that easy, I bet.  Bill O’Reilly called the President “boring”.  No kidding!  And then some!

Here’s what’s starting to grate on me.  For the last 18 months, all we’ve heard from President Obama is how terrible things are, and now “this is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression”.  Bad news is his mantra.  I’m not sure if he can handle good news.  It makes me wonder how he responded to the news he was going to be a father.  Did he say “Great!  Another mouth to feed”?

Americans, for the most part, are an optimistic lot.  For us, the glass is always half full.  According to President Obama, there is no glass, primarily because the greedy Wall Street types stole it.  He can’t even discuss the whole Alex Rodriguez steroid thing without calling it “depressing”.

Eventually, the American people will tire of President Obama’s negativity.  That day is getting closer.  Three weeks into his administration, it’s already clear he’s in way over his head.  Talk about above his pay grade!  And by his own admission.

We’re looking at Jimmy Carter re-dux.  Carter also claimed he’d never lie to the American people.  He talked about economic malaise.  He lasted one term.  Americans wanted optimism.  Ronald Reagan delivered.

Memo to President Obama:  You wanted this job.  You need to lead.  Right now, you’re a downer.  If you can’t be cheerful and optimistic, perhaps you should go home.  And take your stimulus package with you.

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